Monday, February 4, 2013

The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young

Alas, we meet again Groundhogs Day.  5:00 AM my alarm went off and I began to get ready for an experience of a lifetime.  Three layers of clothes, crown, banner, and sunglasses (apparently my half awake self figured I'd need them eventually) my mom and I were out the door on our way to the Staten Island Zoo home of Chuck the groundhog.  

Chuck, the morning groundhog, about to be reunited with his girlfriend.  No really, I couldn't make that  up if I tried.

Brief side note:

Dear Chuck,
Consider sleeping in next year.  
Love Always, 

Shortly after arriving there, I had a lovely conversation with the Borough President in the middle of the fish exhibit.  Now would be a good time to mention it was about three degrees outside (it was 20 but for dramatic purposes lets pretend it was three).  Ok, so I made my way to the bandstand where I was soon accompanied with other dignitaries including Alyssa Miss Richmond County and my remarkable little sister queen Ashley Miss Staten Island's Outstanding Teen.  We stood on stage throughout the ceremony and shared a few laughs about Chuck and last years antics when he bit the mayor.  

Becoming popsicles on Groundhogs Day!

The Borough President and myself.

We were then led inside where we had the opportunity to take some pictures and spend some time with the kids who woke up early on a saturday to share this experience. Kudos children of Staten Island!!

Chuck quickly became a crowd favorite because he revealed SPRING IS ON THE HORIZON!!  With an 80% accuracy rate, Chuck, I'm holding out for a hero and I really hope it's you.  Bring on the warmth! Have you gotten the gist that I'm not a fan of winter? Good!  Frigid weather aside, it was a wonderful day with even better company.  Until we meet again Mr. Chuck...

Happy Groundhogs Day!

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