Monday, February 4, 2013

I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. Maya Angelou

This wasn't easy.  

The beauty of the Miss America Organization is the opportunity to choose a personal platform and be able to represent that cause in an extremely meaningful and remarkable way.  However, like most, my chosen platform is not the only cause I hold dear to my heart.  

This past saturday, I was in my bathroom with some Hunter Hayes Pandora on while drying my hair.  As I parted the next section to dry, I looked at my self in the mirror and saw it. Immediately I called my mom into my room and had her affirm what I already knew to be true. 

My alopecia is back...

I was diagnosed with alopecia areata for the first time in Kindergarden.  I was a six year old wrongly being accused of pulling my eyelashes out, and thus caused to sleep with eyepatches until it was later discovered that I had alopecia.  For those of you who aren't familiar with alopecia, its an autoimmune disease where your body attacks hair follicles in concentrated areas or in more serious cases in someones whole body.  Thankfully, my case has never been quite that serious, but being a girl it hasn't made things easy.  My condition, when I was younger, was easily treated with a topical gel applied to my eyelids.  As I grew older, the spots got larger, more frequent, and were slightly more stubborn.  Each spot (I feel like a dalmatian calling them spots but its the best word I can come up with) now means a series of injections in whatever location the alopecia has taken to. I have received injections in both eyelids and my scalp more times than I can count, and it still isn't any less painful nor am I used to them by now.  

I debated writing this blog because naturally, as a female in her twenties, highlighting a flaw isn't necessarily something I'm excited about doing, but thinking about it I felt I had to.  Not because I had some "world peace" type of pageantry attitude, but because if this organization taught me anything, its that you'll never give yourself a fair shot at anything if you don't lay it all out there.  The women who year after dreadful twenty-fourth year compete to represent these prestigious titles are dedicating their time in preparations to have the chance to hold the microphone this crown comes with.  

Now, microphone in hand, I'm empowered to highlight something in my life that I literally have spent my time combing over (pun intended).  I am so fortunate that I have had the luxury of being able to hide the small bald spots and glue on some lashes when they're missing.  

We are all human.  We go through stuff.  We all have our insecurities, but they make us who we are.  I have learned that no matter how much you want to crawl up into a ball and not leave your house until your eyelashes grow back, life must go on.  You're never going to be the only one going through something so remember your compassion for people.  And, the moments where we choose to not let those little imperfections keep us down are where the magic happens.  Heres to making some magic this year :)

National Alopecia Areata Foundation for more in formation on alopecia and how you can help.

Our Class Grows by THREE!

The Miss New York Class of 2013 grows by THREE!!

Our newly crowned Miss New York Shannon Oliver

Acacia Courtney, Miss New York City 2013!

The INDESCRIBABLE Christina Moore

Kira Kazantsev Miss Cosmopolitan 2013

Staten Island ladies showing their support!

HUGE CONGRATS to the newly crowned girls of the city! Yesterday we welcomed Miss New York City and fellow MAOT vet Acacia Courtney, Miss Cosmopolitan Kira Kazantsev, and Miss Metropolitan Melissa Philips. Three AMAZING women I cannot wait to spend the week with this July.  

The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young

Alas, we meet again Groundhogs Day.  5:00 AM my alarm went off and I began to get ready for an experience of a lifetime.  Three layers of clothes, crown, banner, and sunglasses (apparently my half awake self figured I'd need them eventually) my mom and I were out the door on our way to the Staten Island Zoo home of Chuck the groundhog.  

Chuck, the morning groundhog, about to be reunited with his girlfriend.  No really, I couldn't make that  up if I tried.

Brief side note:

Dear Chuck,
Consider sleeping in next year.  
Love Always, 

Shortly after arriving there, I had a lovely conversation with the Borough President in the middle of the fish exhibit.  Now would be a good time to mention it was about three degrees outside (it was 20 but for dramatic purposes lets pretend it was three).  Ok, so I made my way to the bandstand where I was soon accompanied with other dignitaries including Alyssa Miss Richmond County and my remarkable little sister queen Ashley Miss Staten Island's Outstanding Teen.  We stood on stage throughout the ceremony and shared a few laughs about Chuck and last years antics when he bit the mayor.  

Becoming popsicles on Groundhogs Day!

The Borough President and myself.

We were then led inside where we had the opportunity to take some pictures and spend some time with the kids who woke up early on a saturday to share this experience. Kudos children of Staten Island!!

Chuck quickly became a crowd favorite because he revealed SPRING IS ON THE HORIZON!!  With an 80% accuracy rate, Chuck, I'm holding out for a hero and I really hope it's you.  Bring on the warmth! Have you gotten the gist that I'm not a fan of winter? Good!  Frigid weather aside, it was a wonderful day with even better company.  Until we meet again Mr. Chuck...

Happy Groundhogs Day!

To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected

Having being honored with this title I fully expected to take on this job and "hit the ground running" so to speak.  Admittedly, I hadn't fully descended from cloud nine before  appearances started piling up and reality started setting in.  This really happened.  This past week has been so full of thoughtful words and a warm genuine embrace back into the Miss New York family.  I am so grateful for the abundance of opportunities that have come my way in such a short amount of time.  Thank you again for such a warm welcoming, I could not have wished for a better way to start my reign.

Now that I've successfully gushed yet again, my first appearance!

So, earlier in the week I received an email asking if I was available to film a segment for "This Week on Staten Island" for NY1 News.  I'm pretty sure the conversation went something like, "Umm, I'll make myself available."  To say I was excited is an understatement, what a way to kick off this year.  To have seen (for the first time) clips of both my talent and that indescribable moment when they said my name winning this title was another beautiful reminder that this is all still real.  I was able to speak about my platform and the wonderful traits the Miss America Organization instills in women. 

Alyssa and I in the green room pre-interview 

NY1 Interview, CHECK!